April 1, 2023, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM (US Central)
This program has two parts. Part 1 has two options; those options are both the same program at different days/times. If participating, only register for one option.
Part 1: Guided Tour and “Writing to Writing Prompts” Guided Writing Session.
Registration required.
You are viewing Option B
Saturday, April 1, 10:00am-12:30pm
Click here to view Option A
Thursday, March 30, 6:00-8:30pm)
Part 2: Public Reading
Registration is not required to attend the reading. Writers participating in the reading will sign up during Part 1.
Click here to view Part 2
Sunday, April 2, 2:00-4:00pm
Note: The Public Reading has changed from April 9 to April 2
Words Meet Art, an outreach program of the Ames Writers Collective, is a literary arts event demonstrating through words how art, used as a writing prompt, can invoke feelings, trigger memories, and inspire conversations across divides and demographics. For inspiration, writers will interact with the Harriet Bart exhibition at the Christian Petersen Art Museum to compose and publicly read poems, flash fiction or creative nonfiction, and/or perform monologues or music.
For this first session of Words Meet Art, participants will receive a guided tour of Harriet Bart: Material Alchemy to educate and inspire creativity led by Sydney Marshall, Curator, University Museums, Iowa State University. An introduction to “writing to writing prompts” will follow, with writing sessions to connect writers to the exhibition. This session will be led by Ana McCracken, founder of the Ames Writers Collective, Iowa State University Creative Writing and Environment Program MFA candidate.
Participants may bring their own drink and snack for breaks. Refreshments are not provided.