Posted on July 22, 2019 at 11:00 AM by Betsy Grabinski
By Lynette Pohlman
Director and Chief Curator
I am always honored and humbled to bear witness to our shared human experiences-christenings, marriages, graduations, anniversaries, and the day-to-day to living and life within a shared community. Bearing witness binds us together.
Perhaps you have heard the Brunnier Art Museum is being remodeled. The pace of progress is picking up-there are just under two months until we celebrate with the reopening reception Beyond the Glass on September 19! On that evening you will bear witness to the dramatic and beautiful transformation of the Brunnier Art Museum; please plan on joining us.
For 16 days, I had the honor of bearing witness to the talented and hard work of the staff as they carefully and methodically transferred the permanent collection into its new home in the Hilsinger Janson Permanent Collection Vault(graciously supported by Arthur Hilsinger and Barbara Janson). Diane Patton, Becky Lampkey and Debbie Johnson assisted with carefully cleaning some of the 20,000 objects. Allison Sheridan, Adrienne Gennettand Lilah Anderson of the museum staff with museum students Charlie Coffey and Sarah Bartlett organized and placed every object in its exact, new home location-a Tetris puzzle to solve!
For security purposes you-our loyal audience-did not, and will not have the opportunity to bear witness to this extraordinary feat. However, I wanted to share this perspective and my admiration for those who work so diligently behind-the-scenes to make this part of the museum transformation a reality.