Posted on December 7, 2021 at 4:50 PM by Paige Higby
As warmer days are coming to an end, make sure to come out and enjoy the last blooms and greenery of the Anderson Sculpture Garden! Our roses are still going strong despite the cooler temperatures, and they are a lovely sight to see! However, they will soon be winterized to protect the bushes from frost, so enjoy the beautiful colors while they last!
And while our roses certainly aren't showing signs that winter is coming, other plants in the garden are. Most of the ferns have been cut back for the year as they brown and die off, which is most noticeable around Christian Peterson's "Library Girl and Boy "(1944), just outside the main entrance for the hub. Other perennials around the garden will also cut back like our Hostas as they begin to yellow. Just another reason to visit before they're gone till the spring!
The annuals will not be the only ones to make an appearance in the spring. I am excited to announce that over 800 new bulbs will make their appearance next spring! These next few weeks, these blub will be planted between other winterizing garden activities. Some of these blubs are new to the garden, such as two new tulips, “Maureen” and “Apricot Beauty," which will be placed near Gwynn Murrill's "Bighorn." Along with the tulips we’ll see 2 new Muscaris, Ice follies, and Katharine's gold irises. These will be mostly seen on the west side of Morrill Hall come spring!
Speaking of new "flowers," Anderson Sculpture Garden and Morrill Hall welcomed two beautiful new murals done by Ouizi. These murals feature many recognizable flowers that can find here in the garden, like our buck rose "April Moon," Japanese Anemone "honorine Jobert," and many more. These murals are a love addition that gives the garden a lovely pop of color- no matter the time of year.
The murals will not be the only color this winter; the six small black planters and the large bowl located on the west side of Morrill will be getting winter décor, currently being designed. Hopefully, the designs will be done when the annuals have died, been pulled, and then be placed outside by late November, just for the winter spirit in December!
If you happen to see someone working in the garden, say hi! My name is Paige Higby, and I am the fall garden intern. I'm a biology major with a strong interest in museum curation and botany! So, of course, Morrill Hall has both lovely art galleries and a beautiful garden; I was very excited to work here! I look forward to keeping the garden nice and beautiful for everyone to enjoy!
Categories: Students